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More About SGC

Your (SGC) annual dues, paid to the club, are used to run and operate your club. The Arizona Golf Association (AGA) annual dues, paid to the AGA, are used to provide your USGA sanctioned handicap index. Contact the AGA at 1-800-458-8484 for more information regarding your AGA dues and contact SGC for more information regarding your SGC club dues.

Your Handicap & Posting Your Scores

Being a member of the SGC allows you to establish a handicap index so that you qualify to compete in AGA tournaments as well as your local tournaments. Both the AGA & SGC require you to post all of your games played outside of club play within the AGA system. You can post your scores on the pro-shop computer or on line at The club Handicap Chairman will post all of your SGC rounds into the AGA system. Please do NOT post your SGC club play rounds yourself.


All club communications can be found on your golf club web site at Announcements, results of tournaments, the play day schedule and a contact list of your fellow members and board of directors will be posted there. In addition, periodically the board will communicate to you directly through your e-mail. Go to the web site; you will find it informative and interesting.


The Tournament Director (TD) will announce all upcoming "major" tournaments and local weekly play days tournaments on the website. Tournaments and regular play day events are open to all SGC members in good standing. Score cards for each team/group with current player's course handicaps will be provided. It is every player's responsibility to make sure the SGC-generated score card is secured by someone in your group prior to play. To sign up for a play day just click on the "Sign Up To Play" link located on the menu near the top of any web page. If you have any problems, e-mail the TD at

SGC utilizes a Tournament Management System (TMS) to manage all tournament functions. The TMS is powered by GolfSoftware and enables SGC to reduce labor in managing regular club play days and major tournaments. The TMS will allow members to log into the SGC-TMS portal and view and manage their play with the club. From the portal members can:

  • Review the upcoming schedule of regular play days and major tournaments.
  • Sign up to play with the club.
  • Check on tee times and pairings for events.
  • View results from completed rounds.

The SGC-TMS is powered by GolfSoftware. Smartphone apps are available at the AppStore and GooglePlay. Just search for GolfSoftware. If you have any problems accessing TMS, please contact Butch Hughes at

Weekly Play Days & Events

SGC holds two weekly play days, Wednesday mornings and Saturday mornings. SGC members in good standing are welcome and are encouraged to play in these weekly events. Most play days are at Silverbell Golf Course, but other city golf courses are played as well. The location, tee-times and pairings are posted on the club's website, To sign up to play, fill in the "Sign up to Play" form on the website at least 48 hours before the event. You may enter any desired pairings, questions or comments in the "COMMENTS" text box. Once you have signed up, tee-times and pairings will be posted on the website about 24 hours before the event. The Tournament Director will (once a month) assign all pairings (except those members who have guests that day) with an automatic random selection so as to promote club member networking. Please arrive at the course at least 20 minutes prior to your tee time in order to pay your greens fee and the entry fee and be ready to play by your assigned tee time.

During your play SGC mandates the rules of golf are strictly followed for the entire 18 holes. We do not allow such things as mulligans, or pick-ups on the green. You must play the hole out completely. If you hit your ball out of bounds, or your ball has any chance of being declared lost, you MUST hit a provisional ball from the location of your last shot. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Unless you have been instructed by the club prior to teeing off: there is no lift, clean and place allowed except for as provided by the rules of the USGA.

Wednesday & Saturday Playday: Entry Fee $10.00

  • Format Game: $4.50 — Format varies week to week. Winners will be awarded in cash
  • Gross Skins: $2.25 — Winners will be awarded in cash
  • Net Skins: $2.25 — Winners will be awarded in cash
  • Closest to the Pin: $1.00 — Winners will be awarded in cash


You may cancel your request to play by submitting a Cancel Play form from the website. Enter your reason for canceling your round in the "COMMENTS" text box. Alternatively, you may e-mail the TD at Try to give the TD at least 48 hours notice. As you can imagine, if the pairings have already been made, it can cause confusion and, in some cases, can cause teams not to be able to participate fairly. We know there will be emergencies and the TD will handle them. If you do not show up without notifying the TD, the TD's backup or the golf course pro shop, the SGC will impose a $5 fine/Singles event and $10 fine/Team event. You may not play in a play day until that assessment is paid.

All tournaments will be run using the USGA Rules of Golf plus your local rules.


SGC strictly enforces the USGA rule pertaining to score cards. Official scorecards must be legibly written, any illegible or incomplete card may result in disqualification from Tournament. Each golfer's name on the scorecard must have the initials of that golfer acknowledging and approving the hole by hole score written down for him/her by the scorekeeper for submittal to the TD for recording. If a golfer's hole by hole score on the official score card turns out to be wrong then that golfer will be subject to the rules of the USGA regarding this infraction. It is not necessary to record totals, net scores or points as the computer program will compute those results and it is not required by the USGA. Your score card should record gross scores only. All game reports will be computed from gross scores automatically once your official scorecard has been turned in and recorded. SGC highly recommends every golfer keeping his own score on a separate card to use as a fail-safe against any inadvertent mistake made by the scorekeeper and having a record of their game. A scorekeeper is not responsible for any mistakes on the card except for his own score. Every golfer is responsible for their score handed in for recording. A complete scorecard includes:

  1. All players names
  2. The date of play
  3. Signature of scorer & attest (witness)
  4. Hole by Hole Scores
  5. Initials by all players